Saturday, 27 October 2012


明天要回大学了! 不舍;除了不舍还是不舍。 但是, 这篇绝对不是emo post okay!  再加上下午, 系友们传来个好消息, 就是老师答应把考试延迟, 所以下午以后我就无所事事。Opppsss, 内疚-ing。

我说了,回家最幸福的事情之一, 就是吃阿嬷煮的满汉全席。 在这里我觉得我有必要+ 强调阿嬷的血里流着一些Nyonya的优良品种,这就是为什么阿嬷那么入得厨房。其实 我想说的是, 我是阿嬷的宝贝孙女,我也同样流着maybe 10% 的Nyonya 血, 所以我也入得厨房(以后), 出得厅堂!

话说前天早上,当我还在睡梦中时, 不竟被厨房传来的吵闹声吓醒,我只好皱着眉头离开那张磁铁床,毕竟人家才刚回家, 想说可以睡个迟些。 但这绝对是可英明的举动,因为阿嬷和姑姑在prepare Otak- otak! 

当我起身时, 她们已经准备得七七八八了,所以来不及询问那些珍贵的secret recipe + ingredients, 但我一定会学,因为真的很好吃。阿嬷万岁!


Thursday, 25 October 2012


几乎每个夜里的这个时候, 我正躺在宿舍陌生的床上; 幸运的话,我熟睡了; 要不, 脑海里正尝试妈妈传授我的入眠好方法- 放轻松, 从头到脚。

今晚,我好累, 但不舍得入睡。

乘搭了五个小时的巴士, 带着两个月没回家那份期待的忐忑, 家里果然不曾让我失望。 

我喜欢一到巴士站就看见胖子老豆在等我, 然后我们总会在回家路途上聊个没完没了。 他总会带我先打包我最爱的鸡腿面线, 再回家享受那份冷掉了还是很好吃的晚饭。一回到家,迎接我的总是弟弟。 我会由头到脚打量着他; 以前我会说“你怎么又胖了?”, 现在我却会笑着说“你又长高了!”。

没错, 我是家里个子最小的。

我想我不介意的, 反正我也习惯了。 反而看见长高了的他,我知道,他应该吃得饱, 穿得暖。  

公公婆婆是家里的两个活宝, 我想我是幸福的。婆婆欢迎我回家的方式, 除了烧了一顿晚餐,还有她那张小小的嘴开心得关不住的模样。他们的头发依旧半白, 但爱从来不增减少。

我爱的人们, 原谅我给的太少, 拿得太多, 原谅我的自私, 原谅我不懂得拿捏。
 若我有能力, 我想停住时间,把我能给的毫不保留。

好累好累, 但我还是不舍得入睡。

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Dear You

This is always the moment I terrify the most; terrify, fear, afraid. Any negative words you would want to substitute, my feeling is beyond them.

I often question myself, why did I make the choice I made years ago? Even you question it. You always do. But the optimistic of mine answers it. There's a sound that gives me a hint, telling me that when God shuts a door, He opens another. I knew it. Somehow I think it was the right decision made, for you, for me. For both of us.

330 kilometers costs three hours and a half, and also the much appreciated effort. And this is something in you that has made the distance shorter, and the heart fonder. 

You are the only person in the world, other than my parents, that will give your love to me wholeheartedly. And as I always say, you are the most precious gift that God has blessed me with. 

Dear you, everything you do make my life worthwhile.

Friday, 19 October 2012


这几天老是被病魔折腾,喉咙的痛、恶心的痰、可恶的鼻涕。假期把自己照顾得太好了, 现在似乎太弱不经风了。

每晚临睡前总抱着‘明天就会病好了’ 的假希望, 就这样骗了自己一个礼拜。 没关系, 骗着骗着, 病也会慢慢的好起来。 临睡前,我在原来身上穿着的睡衣外,套了一件更厚的college活动衣; 然后毫不留情地往黄色耳塞挤压, 我希望它可以再被压缩。 

穿好衣服、带好耳塞、 我没有忘记眼罩; 盖好被单, 抱着亲爱的小枕头, 缺一不可。 想睡个好眠, 听起来像打一场战。 

我似乎不适合当个城市人; 我讨厌一幅幅假惺惺的面具、 厌倦会无端端塞车的大马路、害怕经常突如其来的大挑战、更不习惯那些走得比风还快的城市脚步。人们不懂关怀、 不懂施舍、不懂快乐和悲伤; 他们不懂爱、 不懂希望、 不懂欣赏, 却只懂自己。 

这个城市, 爱得快, 恨得也快;开心得快, 失落更快。

我没有愤怒, 只是习惯性的习惯, 无力地接受。 我突然起羡慕古代人,年轻时发奋; 老时告老还乡, 活得简单自在。

城市的烟火特别灿烂, 但也特别寂寞;
我该好好欣赏, 还是默默离开?

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Of the Precious Gifts

Hola people!! I wasn't feeling very well since last week hence the lack of updates. Then, I now one will only know how blessed he is until he loses something. Alright, now I have finally realized how blessed and blissful it is to stay healthy! No worries, I am getting much more better!

Speaking of blessed, I'm blessed with all the peoples around me that will never forget to bring back some souvenirs from the country they traveled to; making me addicted to collecting all those key chains! Aha!

1. Lullabelle Handmade Balm from Wei- Yin

The Markets @JayaOne

 I am addicted to it ever since I first applied it. It's not a souvenir but it's doubtlessly a precious gift from the love one! Thank you!

2. Angkor Wat Key Chain from Lili

  @ Cambodia

3. Eiffel Tower Key Chain from Zhixin
@Paris, France.

4. Little Colour Pencil from buddy WaiHeng
@Phuket, Thailand.
My big Thank You to all of you!