Friday, 7 December 2012


So, I always remember when I was small, I used to fall down very frequent. So frequent that I could not recall how many times I have almost kissed the floor. Even now that I am obviously not a young girl anymore, I fall down or nearly fall down so often. 

Something interesting is that the moment I fell, the first thought I had was not 'How am I gonna get up?', but I would always gaze around and make sure there is no one seeing me at this so awkward moment. Then I will slowly, make myself up and keep my head held high as if nothing ever happens.

I used to blame this whole 'falling down' thingy to the slippery floor, frictionless flip flop or maybe even my careless self. Then, there is a day that ever since then, the boyf would tease at me after he found that my foot was slightly flat. Of course, I have reluctantly accepted the fact that, my feet was not-so-severely deformed. And, what I could only do all the time is just praying hard so that on day the Earth's force of attraction would somehow be reduced.

Unfortunately, according to Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It proved that my dream has not come true when I again got attracted by the enormous force, fell down the stairs and hit the floor. If the ground would have open up and swallowed me, it would have done me a huge favour. Sadly, it did not, and all I have is just bruises and this:

I urge you that if you ever see me fall down, do not have to lend your hands to me, just walk away silently as if you have seen nothing. Thank you!


It is one of the most frequent foot deformations in infants. The term “platypodia” denotes deformity of all foot's arches. Flattening of the longitudinal foot arch is known as longitudinal platypodia, while flattening of the transverse arch is called transverse platypodia. Main support elements of the foot's arches are front and rear tibial muscles of the lower leg as well as short and long flexor muscles of toes. If those muscles become weak, the child's foot flattens under the body weight and turns outwards at the start of standing or walking. The inner edge of the foot rests on the floor, the forefoot is abducted outwards.

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